The Lead Education program


It’s no secret that education is a critically important path out of poverty for children in slums and depressed rural areas. Our LEAD education program is unique, long-term, and integrated with our other programs to maximize success. LEAD stands for “Learning and Equipping through Academics and Discipleship.”

We get to know children as they are involved in our various programs, taking into consideration character and future leadership potential, then follow up regularly with the schools to monitor their progress and their education. Where we can, we provide other resources in addition to tuition that are critical to their educational success.

The result?  Low failure rates. Strong performance. Family involvement. Future leaders receiving one of the most important resources for breaking the poverty cycle.

Are you interested in joining the LEAD team? Click the button below.

This video highlights three young people in Uganda whose lives have been transformed because they were able to get an education.

(this program was formerly known as the Popp Scholarship)


Robert Katende is the International Director of Sports Outreach. His book, “A Knight Without a Castle”, chronicles his upbringing and the critical importance of education in helping people out of poverty.

Will you help LEAD?

We want to provide education resources for hundreds of kids!  You can help… Please join our LEAD team!

  • Your monthly gift, combined with the gifts of others, will help provide this critical resource to break the poverty cycle. We suggest donating $50 a month toward LEAD because this amount covers all educational expenses for a student, but any donation will help change lives!

  • Each month, you’ll receive a story about a different child or young person who is receiving an education because of your support and the support of others!