Posts in USA
Coach Aubreys Story

Each of our Sports Outreach coaches, both domestically and internationally, have their own story and passions. Their stories and passions along with the use of sports ministry give them the ability to disciple and impact lives that may be living a similar story to theirs. Our newest Coach, Aubrey, is doing just that. She shared with us how becoming a coach with Sports Outreach is an answer to prayer, that now allows her to influence and speak truth to women who are in a position she was once in. Coach Aubrey is bringing hope to her community by using the story God has written for her to help others.

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Trip Impact

Deploying trips are an essential part of Sports Outreach. They get people from the U.S out of their comfort zone, into another culture, and serving alongside the staff overseas. It is a common belief that missions trips only impact those overseas, but really, the impact from trips happens most on the trip takers themselves. Read below from Elizabeth who shared with us how the trip impacted her much more than she imagined it would.

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Coach Dan - Commissioning Pastors in Cuba

“…one of the highlights of the sport ministry seminar for me was on the last day. I shared a brief devotion and spent the remainder of the class calling up the pastors individually to the altar in the church sanctuary. I was able to lay hands on them and pray for them and the start of their sports ministry. It was a powerful moment as each of these leaders were embolden and commissioned by the Spirit to use this new vehicle to claim their communities for the advancement of the gospel and the development of dedicated disciples.”

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