January 2022 - New Year, New Mission!
Muan leads a home counseling session
To kick off the new year, Sports Outreach Institute (SOI) would like to introduce you to one of our newest ministry sites - INDIA! If you’re wondering why India, the short answer is because the fields are ripe for harvest and God has opened doors in India for SOI to step through. You may have noticed how SOI is involved in this intriguing country via social media or our website, but this month’s newsletter will fill you in a bit more on where we are and h
Muan trainng youth in sports
Lamka, Manipur State (Northeast India)
SOI first became acquainted with Muan Haulai in September 2019 through a local coach and it became evident that Muan had a heart for the Gospel and Sports Ministry. A short three months later SOI India was off and running, holding a four-day soccer camp in December 2019 attended by 85 eager participants. Soccer training, evangelism, and discipleship were all part of the camp and as a result, 30 people became Christ-followers. This event was the catalyst for the Sports Ministry training that has taken place over the past two years and now includes chess and table tennis. Muan continues to grow in his sports ministry capacity and his ability to lead a frontline evangelical organization in a country that is becoming less tolerant of Christianity. When not sharing the Gospel, providing home counselling sessions, or training youth in sports, Muan can be found leading discipleship groups and serving his church as a Sunday School teacher. Muan is married to Niangboi and has three young boys, with whom he is eager to share his passion for the Lord.
Barnabas and family
Elagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu (Southeast India)
In the fall of 2021 SOI joined hands with Samaritan Residential Schools (SRS) an organization SOI became acquainted through Big World Project. SRS focuses on evangelism, which led them to operate a Christian boarding school, community farm, campsite for families, and dental clinic. Headed by Barnabas Moses, whose parents founded SRS over 20 years ago, the ministry has had far reaching impact in the lives of children, their families, and the people who come to participate in the projects at their Elagiri Hills site. Barnabas is assisted by an enthusiastic team of teachers and volunteers, though they are grieving the recent passing of Pastor Noel Prabhuraj, their Administrative Director, with the plan to move children there in early 2022. These children will learn life skills through quality academic and vocational training. The past several months has brought a sense of spiritual attack as the team has experienced setbacks due Covid pandemic challenges, health crises, theft, weather- related flood damage, and now the unexpected death of Pastor Noel. Please pray for God’s provision of supplies and labor, and for a sense of His peace in the midst of trial.
SOI Coaches Corner
Hello! My name is Morgan Kaiser, and I am from Alliance, Ohio (about an hour south of Cleveland). I have an Interdisciplinary Studies degree from Grace College and Theological Seminary, which is divided into sports ministry, sports management, and psychology. I have been married for four and a half years to my husband, Josiah who is the High School Youth Pastor at The Chapel in Marlboro, OH. Josiah and I are extremely passionate about sports and the positive impact they can have on one’s life. We have devoted countless hours to playing as well as coaching.
I discovered Sports Outreach through a prayer-filled internet search after God placed it on my heart to start searching for sports ministry opportunities while I was working as a child advocate at a homeless shelter in Akron. My four years spent there equipped me with many experiences that have been beneficial while stepping into my new role as a Sports Outreach Coach.
I currently coach basketball at my church and it is such a blessing to see pure joy on the players’ faces as they learn a new skill. The last ten minutes of every practice is dedicated to discussing three areas: the most enjoyable part of practice, what should be focused on at next practice, and how each teammate can encourage one another. The truth is I have never played nor coached basketball, which means I am learning with my players. Thankfully the main goal of sports ministry is not to create professional athletes, but to build relationships and point players to the Lord!
The future of Sports Outreach, in Alliance, is new and exciting. There is an opportunity in the works that would allow access to a gym, kitchen, and multiple classrooms. We are hoping to use this space to offer resources to the community, such as sports programming, nutrition classes, financial classes, and a community garden. Moving forward, I aim to form relationships with local business owners, churches, clubs, and organizations, and would also like to build a committee that gives back to the community. The desire of my heart is to come together to combine resources today, so that we can offer youth more opportunities tomorrow.
Serving Together,
The Sportsoutreach Ministry Team