Muan lives in Northeast India with his wife Niangboi and three children. He loves games and sports. He has a great sense of humor. He’s determined, passionate and faithful.
He also teaches and coaches at Obadiah School.
Soccer Clinic: Organized every week from Monday through Saturday between 6:30am to 7:30am. Starting with 5 to 10 minutes of sharing the gospel, followed by prayer, and then warm up. Children are taught various skills and at the end compete in a real match with the other players. SOI India staff follow - up with the children that participated in the soccer clinic and help them to build their relationships with God.
Counseling: Participants who don’t have any relationship with God can receive free counseling from SOI staff on the truth of Scripture. Since 2020 April more than 40 children have received counselling and have all decided to follow Jesus! Through the kids, the parents can be reached and influenced. This happens in partnership with a local church.
Food Distribution: SOI India serves their community by providing food items to poor and needy families. So far they have helped 23 families!
Sports Outreach India steps ON the field to preach the Gospel through various sports activities and steps OFF the field to follow up with the students through discipleship classes, counseling, home seminars, and Bible studies. Coach Muan and his team serve their community by providing food items to poor and needy families. They also provide soccer kits for poor players who love sports but can’t afford to buy them.
This community in India is in desperate need of a bridge built between parents and children. The country of India as a whole is a mixture of around 705 different tribes, speaking 19,500 different languages with Christians making up only 2.3% of religion. Where Muan lives and serves, Christianity makes up 41.29% of religion. But this number is declining quickly with the advancement of technology. Materialism is having a great impact on their society making the majority of people now nominal Christians. Parents are running after money while their children are left at home, spoiled, with no one to care for them. Being exposed to developed countries and trying to copy them has created a lot of problems in families and in society. Teenagers are trying to copy the lifestyle of what they seen on the internet and television so, they press their parents to meet their needs. When parents can’t provide it they become depressed causing suicide and depression rates are increasing among the youth in their community. This is where the gap exists.
Sports Outreach Institute India seeks to minister to the children in these communities to reach the parents. This is to build the bridge to strengthen families, restore the hope in Christ, and lead to transformed lives.