Bozo - from softball to sharing!

Bozo lives in Croatia. He grew up Catholic but never had a personal relationship with the Lord. He lost both of his parents in the span of one year to cancer. Needless to say, that was a very hard time for him.

Coach Dino invited him to join the softball program 2 years ago where he heard about Jesus and what He has done on the cross for us. He heard that the Bible is the word of God . Bozo asked many questions, and Dino invited him to be part of a Bible study at his church. During that Bible study, he repented of his sin and accepted Christ!

Recently at a softball game, Dino overheard Bozo talking with a girl on the team. He was encouraging her - telling her how important it is to read the Bible, because it is God’s word.

Dino’s ministry in Croatia is small but growing. If you’d like to learn more, please contact Kendall.


This is Bozo he got saved last year through softball ministry. He shared the gospel with the girl who is saved and shared with her that is important to read the Bible as the Bible is the word of God and we can read there about us and God and how to get saved