Good News Bears

Coach Dino has been continually and faithfully been building a baseball ministry in his own community in Croatia. In this encouraging story about his baseball team, he shares that even generational hate that stems from a war 30 years ago, cannot stop the Gospel being shared through sports.

“Many of you have seen the movie Bad News Bears, where a baseball coach gets a team that is not very good. They also fight all the time. So in the beginning he is not very motivated to coach the team. Well with me, it is totally the opposite. 

I got the team who wants to play together. They love and respect each other so much that it brings me joy to coach them. They also have the talent to play the game well, but no opportunity to practice each week. I hope and pray that that will change. 

We traveled to Zadar, a city near where they live. They played really well but lost in the end. I felt bad that we lost, but kids were so happy that they got a chance to play and travel to Zadar! As a coach, it made me so happy to see that.

The team name is Bears, Medvjedi in Croatian. They are from small town up north where I live. Where there was war going on between croats and serbs 30 years ago. The town is still divided today. There is a lot of hate between croats and serbs but then you have our baseball team, made up of both croats and serbs kids playing together and having fun. They are Good News Bears because the Gospel is being preached to them and their parents. My Pastor, who is doing church planting is using each practice and game that we have to connect with parents and start discipleship with them. 

It is awesome to see what the Lord is doing and I can't thank you enough for all your support!”

The message of the Gospel is urgent. Coach Dino understands this, that is why he continues to press on faithfully to disciple and teach these baseball team, even with the divide of history. Please join us in praying for Coach Dino and the children and families on his team, that they would have hope restored in their hearts and see lives transformed through the power of the Gospel!

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