Girl in India Finds Renewed Confidence in Faith

Coaches being available to meet the needs of the individuals in their communities is an important part of Sports Outreach’s mission. This is done in many ways including feeding programs, sport clinics, bible teachings, tutoring services, agricultural or vocational training, and discipleship. Coach Muan in India is working hard in many was to meet the needs of the children and families in his own neighborhood. He shared with us a story of a young girl that needed counseling because she was struggling with belief.

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“Her name is Vungngaihching, 17 years old. She lost her father and is now living with her mother. She came to the fellowship last Sunday with her cousin. Her cousin told me that she had doubt about her security of salvation and needed personal counseling. So, we arranged for the counseling. I asked her to share her testimony but she said she didn’t know what to say. I told her about the existence of God, sin, and salvation. After that I invited her to make a decision, whether she would like to accept Jesus as her personal Savior, reminding her that God never forces us but rather respects our free will. After a few minutes of prayer she said she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior. She now has the confidence that God has saved her and has no doubt in her salvation. Praise God!”

We are praising God with Coach Muan for the salvation of Vungngaihching! We are so thankful that Coach Muan spends much of his time counseling the younger generation on the truth of Scripture. This is what a dedicated Coach does!

If you want to learn more about Coach Muan’s ministry in India, click here!