NAPC 7 Year Partnership with SOI Mexico

Jim Haley from New Albany Presbyterian Church shared his experience on his trip to Ometepec, Mexico to serve with Tim and Bard Wood, SOI Mexico Directors. This was the first Sports Outreach trip sent in 2021 after the Coronavirus pandemic and we are so thankful to hear how the Lord has continued to work in Mexico!

Jim & Zack in Mexico

“In the midst of the COVID pandemic, many asked why...why are you going back? Why are you leaving the country? Why are you leaving your family? Why are you risking your health? For me, because I am responding to God's command to "GO."

”This was the seventh consecutive year that I have led a trip to Ometepec, Mexico to serve alongside Tim and Barb Wood. Although the trip was different because of COVID, God is doing wonderful things through their ministry. A new church is being constructed in Ometepec, small groups are meeting on a regular basis, men's groups meet regularly and a couple's ministry is well attended. Tim and Barb's exhaustive efforts to spread the gospel is encouraging and a model for us all.

”I had the opportunity to catch up with a young man I met 7 years ago on our first trip to Ometepec. At the time he was unsure of what he wanted to do. I have kept in contact throughout the years (thanks to technology) and have been able to keep in contact with this young man, encouraging him, praying for him and trying to disciple him from afar. As we caught up this year, he said he is feeling called into ministry, but struggling with the making the decision of what direction to go. Please pray for Andrew. Pray that he finds clarity in his call and what to do in his next chapter of life in Ometepec.

”The consistency of going back to Ometepec year after year has provided numerous opportunities to meet many people and create friendships that would have never been created had I not gone. I return every year with a new story like Andrew's, encouraged that God is doing amazing things through the Wood's ministry, and touching the lives of people all over the world! Please continue to pray for Tim and Barb and their ministry in Ometepec. They are a true example of disciples making disciples.”

We praise God for the 7 year partnership of New Albany Presbyterian Church and SOI Mexico. We are praying that this discipleship relationship may continue for many years to come.

If you would like more information on the work in Ometepec, Mexico, click here!