November 2020 - Kenya Perspective from Francis Juma

The Sports Outreach Programme Kenya team found creative ways to continue doing ministry among the people we serve during the Covid 19 Storm.

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Our ministry activities during the pandemic were very limited due to restrictions put on by the Government. We managed to link some of the families of children involved in our programs to the Kenya Association of Sports and the Kenya Red Cross Cash transfer program to the slum communities. These relationships we have built help to leverage our efforts in the slum community as well as position us for impact among the people.

Our regular feeding program could not continue due to Government restrictions. But we were able to do emergency food distribution for two months to the needy families of children in our programs. This compassionate move has helped to strengthen the relationship between Sports Outreach and families we serve in the slums of Kibera and Mukuru. The testimony of most parents about what Sports Outreach does has caused parents to trust their children into our Sports Ministry where we have over 50 attending our sessions of training and discipleship, now that things are opening up.

Before the covid lockdown, we had 20 young people from the Mukuru Slums who were enrolled in our Computer Class and were to graduate in the month of April 2020. We devised a way to enable them to complete by having four students at a time during the week with social distancing. They graduated in the September! The impact of this computer program is enormous.

As things open back up in Kenya, our team here is excited and looking forward to increased ministry opportunities in the Mukuru and Kibera slums, where so many children and families need the Gospel!