November 2020 - El Salvador Perspective from Humberto Alferez

Earlier this year, El Salvador had to endure not only the covid pandemic, but two tropical storms that did great damage to the communities we serve. In response, we implemented a “Disaster Response Relief” initiative.


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We have served 2,000 families, not only in Nuevo Cuscatlán, but also in other nearby communities. We provided supplies to the staff and children at the Vito Guarato orphanage, who were in a very critical condition due to the emergencies.

 Our police chaplain credentials enabled us to move freely even during the lockdown. We were able to buy, pack and distribute food, hygiene and personal items, and clothes . We helped not only the children and families we serve, but also police officers and soldiers who were forbidden to go to their homes. We were able to pray and preach the gospel widely, even as churches were closed.

 During the lockdown, our coaches have been very creative, making video recordings of soccer training sessions that the kids can watch and practice along with. We’re excited that we are now able to get back on the field again!

 Two members of our team lost their maternal grandmothers to Covid. I had the opportunity to visit one of these dear ladies, lying on her bed about to die. I was privileged to pray for her and confirm her faith in Jesus to be saved before she died.

 We thank God and we bless all those who join this effort to bring a morsel of bread and a voice of hope to those who suffer within our country in this worldwide tragedy. We are now able to do soccer ministry again with teenagers, and we hope and pray for additional openings soon!