2021 Polytechnic School Year is going well!

In many cases in Uganda because of various circumstances, women cannot receive a formal education through high school or college. In these situations vocational schooling can be an effective way to give these women the tools to support themselves and their families. That is why Sports Outreach Ministry in Gulu has created a residential vocational school in which these women are taught sewing/tailoring or hair care classes while also being taught computer skills and other agricultural processes. This is to provide resources and skills that will ultimately help them to become successful businesswomen. These women live in dormitories with their classmates and with their babies in Nicky’s Village.

On February 1st , 2021 the school administrators and the staff of Sports Outreach Ministry carried out a general cleaning at the school premises and at the dormitory in preparation for the beginning of the school. At the same time, the school administrator started to send out communication to alert the students about the school resuming very soon.

On the 4th of February, students began to arrive to school and by the 9th of February 90%of the class had turned up. The class is 22 students this year.

On the 5th of February, the Polytechnic school held an orientation meeting with the vocational teachers and all the volunteers who will support the learning process this year. They reviewed the school time table and a special prayer was conducted. We successfully purchased all the items needed by the tailoring class, the kitchen staff, and necessities for the dormitories.

We now have a matron that has been put in charge of Nicki’s village and assists with cooking the students meals. She also provides security and guidance to all students sleeping in the village while also facilitating the evening Devotions before bed time.

There are 15 students taking a tailoring course and 7 students for hairdressing. Our opening devotion topic is from Genesis 37 as we are sharing  the life of Joseph.

The nursery for the babies has also opened and has given the girls a good and free learning environment to girls without babies while in class.

The nursery for the babies has also opened so that the girls can freely attend school without distraction. While the girls are in class for their 9 hour classes their babies are cared for by Sports Outreach staff and volunteer care takers. There are 10 precious babies staying there!

Please join us in praying for the women in the class this year that they may be able to focus and comprehend all that they are taught, that the babies in the nursery would stay in good health and on track with development, and that this would lead to life transformation and new hope in Jesus! Please be praying also for the instructors and matron of the school that they may have strength and wisdom to teach effectively and that the Holy Spirit would guide them in discipling the women.

If you would like to learn more about the Sports Outreach Polytechnic School in Northern Uganda, click here!

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