Posts in Women's Empowerment
Trip Impact

Deploying trips are an essential part of Sports Outreach. They get people from the U.S out of their comfort zone, into another culture, and serving alongside the staff overseas. It is a common belief that missions trips only impact those overseas, but really, the impact from trips happens most on the trip takers themselves. Read below from Elizabeth who shared with us how the trip impacted her much more than she imagined it would.

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Prossy's Story - Education Changes Lives

Every child we help with education through our LEAD program has a unique story. Each is compelling in its own way, but I think you’ll find Prossy’s story particularly so. It highlights the fact that we do not just provide children an education for education’s sake. We help with this resource in the context of the significant long-term relationships we develop with children and their families. It makes the education far more effective and transformative in the life of the child.

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