Coach Amanda - Back on the Court

In 2020 much of our domestic programming had to be cancelled or postponed due to Covid restrictions. But using great wisdom and while following Covid restrictions, Coach Amanda purposed to get back on the court with kids as soon as she could.

“As everyone will say, what a difference a year can make. When we ended basketball club in February 2020, we couldn’t wait to bring everyone back together for sports camp in the summer and club again in the fall. This is the first basketball club that we have missed since Spring of 2017. The Lord has blessed us with continual growth over the last several years. We started in Fall 2017 with just a handful of kids meeting at HumanKind to having over 30 kids in February and hosting club at Heritage Baptist Church.


“We are thankful for Heritage partnering with us and allowing us to use their facilities as we continue to not only teach kids the fundamentals of basketball, but teaching them about God’s love for their lives. Because of this partnership we were able to have club in January of 2021! While we are sad we weren’t able to back in full force quite yet, we are grateful to be impacting the kids that joined us!

“One of our faithful volunteers, Coach Drew, noticed a significant change in one of our campers from just last year. Sophia has come to a few of our basketball clubs since we started having them at Heritage and in February of 2020 she couldn’t make a basket on the 7 ft hoop. This year she was able to make multiple baskets on the 10 ft hoop! You could tell she had a lot more confidence and really enjoyed the club. It was awesome to watch her grow in confidence not only in playing basketball but also in interacting with coaches and the other kids. She has always been super shy but has grown a lot since she started!

“We are so thankful for every opportunity to share the Gospel with the kids in Lynchburg and to coach them in basketball and we are praying for more opportunities!

If you are one of our basketball club kids reading this, don’t forget to keep your eyes up with dribbling and to always look for a way to be a good teammate!”

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