Nathaly's Story - Shy Girl Now Bold in Faith

This is the story of Nathaly, told by SOI El Salvador staff member Mirna. Naty was a shy girl who was not performing well in school but through the programs of SOI she has found faith in Jesus and hope for her future.


“Nathaly is 10 years old. She lives with her mother, father, and other relatives. She lives in a village named Victoria in the county of Santa Tecla, El Salvador. She lived with her maternal grandmother for four years, but then moved with her paternal grandparents because her mother was unemployed. Nathaly began to attend school.

Her life is normal like any girl at her age. She sees that her parents are sometimes well and sometimes stressed because they do not have enough money to buy basic products for the home such as food, toiletries, and other needs. Despite these difficulties, they are trusting and grateful to God because they are a family and they get to be together.

In 2015, her mother Smirna, began as an intern at Sports Outreach (SOI) through the university where she was studying because she needed to complete an internship for her degree. Nathaly started to attend the handcraft program where Smirna is a teacher. Nathaly soon became a participant in SOI’s EmpowerMe sponsorship program.

Naty started attending SOI to meet other children in the programs we have in La Cuarteria. She was very shy and did not interact well with the other children because they did not let her go out to visit and play with her neighbors’ children at home. Naty did start coming to our soccer academy but preferred to go with her mother to the handcraft program. There she learned how to make bracelets, necklaces, and other things. In this program they also taught them the word of God.

The talks about Jesus are usually given by Mirna in the workshop for the kids, who little by little are getting more interested in the Word of God. The teachings have helped to transform Nathaly into a very enthusiastic girl. She travels with her mother to the university where she attends the EmpowerMe program every weekend with great joy. She really desires to learn something new about crafts and the Word of God each time she goes.

Nathaly is a girl who had a hard time paying attention in school. She talked a lot in class, and was easily distracted. She was referred to the psychologist to receive therapy for a year and a half. We were praying for her as we do for all the children and youth. Today, we thank God that she no longer talks as much in class!

When she started in SOI she had a hard time making friends but now she demonstrates a great change and relates better with people! Naty now talks with those attending the workshop and works more without being distracted at school or in the SOI workshops. These changes are all thanks to God and we are committed in SOI to doing the same for other kids and young people through the EmpowerMe handcraft workshop.

Naty likes to attend SOI because she likes to make crafts. She also likes to listen to the stories that Miss Mirna tells because she is very funny and shares from the Bible with great joy. She is gratetful to receive the monthly grocery pack because sometimes her grandmother lacks food and she can share with her. She says that this way they are more abundant like with the loaves and fishes that Jesus shared with the people who followed Him!

Nathaly’s dream is to study to be a veterinarian because she likes dogs and other animals. She wants to do this without forgetting to help people; people of limited resources who cannot pay to cure their animals while also helping the elderly and children who do not have food to eat.”

If you are interested in helping children like Naty receive education and other basic resources, please consider becoming an EmpowerMe sponsor, or join our LEAD program today!