Baseball opens a door!

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Dino, a Sports Outreach Coach in Split, Croatia, makes use of baseball in his outreach work. It’s an unusual sport there, and kids enjoy learning it and giving it a try. One of Dino’s friends recently moved to the town of Gracac, where he began to try to build relationships in anticipation of planting a church there. But it was tough going – hard to get to know the local folks.

Dino and his friend decided to do a baseball camp in Gracac, and it proved to be a wonderful relationship starter. Many kids came out and thoroughly enjoyed it. Both the children and their families are now more welcoming to Dino’s friend! His church planting efforts have been encouraged and advanced by sports ministry.

“It starts with a ball…. “ Or in this case a ball, some gloves and some bats. Why does sports ministry work? Click here to find out.