Chess Ministry Starting in India!

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It’s amazing how God works in so many ways to connect people to enable growth in the proclamation of His Gospel!

Muan, a new Sports Outreach Coach in Northeast India, focused on soccer initially as he began sports ministry. Now, he is beginning to consider how he might include chess.

He decided to organize an initial tournament just to see what the interest in the community might be. Soon after the announcement, a young man who is not a Christ-follower came by to register. He said he knows many chess lovers in Churachandpur, and when he saw the tournament advertisement, he was so excited that he came right over even though he wasn’t familiar with either Sports Outreach or Muan’s Church.

Muan says, “I am amazed to see how sports is effective for spreading the gospel. By God’s grace, chess might be a great inroad to preach the gospel to non-Christians in our town. Please pray for us and help me learn more about chess ministry so i can be more effective in sharing the Gospel.”

We are connecting Muan with the coaches who run our chess programs for Sports Outreach Ministry Uganda. They’ll soon begin a process of teaching and mentoring him. Please pray for Muan and for the success of this new program in the state of Manipur in Northeast India.

Interested in learning more about Muan’s work in India? please contact