Paul - From Drug-Infested Trauma to Graduation

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 Paul’s beaming voice and smile hide the hardships and pain this 24-year-old has faced his entire life.

Paul began to participate as a young boy in Sports Outreach Ministry Uganda’s (SOM’s) Nateete Slum Project at the onset of the work almost 20 years ago. He and his friends were invited by Coach Moses. They used to roam the streets, scavenging for food in the absence of parental care. He is one of 12 children raised by a single mother. The main source of income for this large household was cooking and selling steamed corn. School was a dream too far. It was Paul’s responsibility to sell the corn. His preferred spot was a part of the slum frequented by drug pushers and prostitutes because he made big sales there.

 As a result, Paul was exposed to all kinds of vices  and evil at a very young age.  He endured trauma and abuse from these criminals.  The lure of the world of drugs and money was a constant part of his life. 

 Once he joined the SOM soccer program, he was greatly relieved to receive a meal a day. After a couple of years, Moses and others recognized that Paul had the potential to overcome his difficult early life. He was given the chance to attend school through the benefit of Sports Outreach’s Education program. Paul’s entire outlook on life changed. He had something else to keep him busy; to keep him away from the streets; an intervention into his fate. He grabbed it with both hands. He had a new lease on life and a purpose to live for.

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He finished his primary school (a major achievement for his family) and joined secondary school where he attained the Uganda Certificate of Education. He is now in his final year studying to receive a Certificate of Tourism, and he hopes to find a job in this field upon graduation.  Paul considers his education “the opportunity of a lifetime”. What he is most thankful for is that he was introduced to Jesus as a result of the long-term mentoring and discipleship he received from Moses and other SOM coaches.  He now volunteers at the Jesus Worship Center, SOM’s partner church in Nateete.

Paul has spent much time with the Good News Football Club over the years.  While he isn’t talented enough to be a member of the team, he appreciates them and is “around” as a helper whenever they need it.  He is a very humble young man – not a leader, but a willing servant - someone who is obedient and can help out with the many details that need doing.

 As Paul’s example shows, not every participant in our Education Initiatives ends up becoming an out-front, gifted leader. But Paul is a dramatically different person from the traumatized boy selling corn to drug dealers.  He has overcome hardship, come to know Christ, and gotten an education that will enable him to have a chance to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty into which he was born.