Christine's House Followup and Saving Grace

Esther leads SOM Uganda’s Christine’s house, a ministry to teenage girls who are  victims of sexual abuse.  With the covid lockdown, they had to send the girls back to their homes.  Last week, Esther and her team visited all of the girls at their homes.  Here’s a quick, encouraging update from her:

 “This month we had a three day follow up visit to the girls that were a part of the group we hosted earlier this year. Along with us, we brought food items, baby kits and plant seedlings. Each girl received a jackfruit seedling and an avocado seedling. Both of which take a long while (5 – 6 years) to grow fruit. The message behind these seedlings was love, care and bonding. The way one cares for these seedlings carefully and continuously until they grow fruit is the same way God natures and bonds with us through life until we are one with the fruits of the spirit. As the girls grow with the trees, so will the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the girls and the people around them, with continual spiritual guidance.”

 p.s. One of the girls’ grandfathers gave his life to Christ during the visit!
