Coach Dan - in sports ministry, everything has a purpose.

Coach Dan in Lynchburg has just finished up a great flag football clinic. Over several weeks, he’s been working with a group of younger kids. As you read his account of one of the activities, you’ll see how nothing we do in sports ministry is lost with respect to sharing the Gospel. Even a competitive relay race has a lesson that goes along with it!

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“This fall I was blessed with the opportunity to be able to launch a new flag football program in partnership with Brookhill Wesleyan Church and got to help them serve their kids and their community. One of the moments from club that stood out to me the most was during one of the stations where the kids were tasked with beating a timed trial during a relay race. It was awesome being able to see each of the kids come together as a team to help one another get through the relay, so that they could beat their original time. 

This was a great experience! It not only allowed me to teach the kids a valuable lesson about the importance of teamwork and celebrating others, but it also gave me the opportunity to use that station as an illustration to teach that just like we need to depend on other people to help us in challenging circumstances, more importantly, we can always count on Christ to come through for us in times of need. Christ is the perfect friend, coach and teammate, we can trust Him with our lives. 

Fall Flag Football club proved to be a great experience not only for the kids within the community, but also for the church staff and volunteers. It has allowed a new way for the Church to minister to children in the community, and to foster relationships with their parents.”