Exciting news from SOI El Salvador Soccer!

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On October 3, our coaches in Nuevo Custatlan, El Savador, were able to resume one of their sports ministries! The SOI Football Academy, a Saturday program, got started back with 20 teenagers. Smaller children are not allowed yet to participate in these kinds of activities.

This is an exciting and encouraging time for both the kids and also for our coaches. It’s tough being a coach and not being able to be out on the field or court working with young people. While schools are closed, many of the other programs these coaches run during the week have not started back yet.


Two of the coaches who run this program used some of the lockdown time very effectively! Daniel and Jorge have both studied for and received their class D coaching certificates. For a soccer coach, increasing certification shows his/her commitment to and passion for the game. It increases parental interest in our programs when our coaches are qualified in this way.

Congrats, Daniel and Jorge!