Coach David - kids help with his knee surgery rehab!

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Coach David in with Sports Outreach Programme Kenya recently tore his ACL and had to have significant knee surgery to repair it. Many of you may have either had this injury or know someone who has. You might think this would put him out of action for awhile in terms of doing sports ministry. But you’d be wrong!

Part of his rehab / physical therapy regimen is exercise in water, and recently, David invited his entire SWIFT soccer team to be his assistants in the pool! A good time was had by all, while David worked on his knee.

This is a wonderful example of the creativity of our committed sports ministry coaches. They are so clever in figuring out how to get time with kids - on the field, off the field, in the pool, injured or not!

Please pray for David’s full recovery!

Interested in learning more about Sports Outreach Programme Kenya? It is an amazing ministry in the most difficult of circumstances. Click here to read more, and please consider helping Coach David and others in the great work they do!