Posts in Soccer
Trip Impact

Deploying trips are an essential part of Sports Outreach. They get people from the U.S out of their comfort zone, into another culture, and serving alongside the staff overseas. It is a common belief that missions trips only impact those overseas, but really, the impact from trips happens most on the trip takers themselves. Read below from Elizabeth who shared with us how the trip impacted her much more than she imagined it would.

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The Mission Continues

A single soccer ball was what started the creation of Sports Outreach over 30 years ago. When our founder, Russ Car, was visiting Uganda he threw a soccer ball in the middle of a field and began to play with the team he had brought. As the game progressed, more and more children from the community began to join in the game. It was then that he realized that sports could be used as a tool to gather people together and share the truth of the Gospel with them. That became the foundational mission of Sports Outreach and it continues to be carried out today.

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Kevin's Story - Sharing the Gospel & Meeting Needs

Sports Outreach Institute El Salvador uses Soccer as a means to share the Gospel with the children in their communities. They not only teach the children soccer skills but through other programs they also help provide the children with the supplies to perform well in the sport and other necessities so that they can thrive in daily life. SOI El Salvador Director Humberto shared with us the story of Kevin, who’s life has been greatly impacted by the soccer trainings, the Bible teachings, and the EmpowerMe sponsorship program.

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Kids in India Quoting John 3:16!

Making Scripture a central part of each sport clinic is a priority of Sports Outreach. Each clinic Coach Muan hosts, he teaches the kids a verse to go along with their theme. This verse is special because it lays out the Gospel so clearly. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die so that we can live! It is this great love that compels the coaches of Sports Outreach to disciple these kids.

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