Mirna's Story - Teacher with a Heart for Ministry

Mirna is the wife of Humberto de Alferez, Director of Sports Outreach Institute El Salvador. She also happens to be a key reason that SOI El Salvador got started. While working in the school system in Nuevo Cuscatlán, El Salvador she noticed a need and decided to take action.


“Hello, I am Mirna de Alferez, I was born in Sonsonate, a beautiful city in the west of El Salvador. I am a teacher by profession and I think that has made me always close to the need of people. I want to tell you that being part of Sports Outreach Institute (SOI), has been something that has really marked my life.

“I received the Lord Jesus Christ in 1985 and since then the Lord has called me to His service in Sunday children's school, in evangelism, and in missions. My husband Humberto has greatly helped me to grow in service.

“When the opportunity was given to serve the Lord through the ministry of SOI, it was a response from God to our prayers, because, my husband and I saw the need to do something in the city of Nuevo Cuscatlán. So, we took the challenge of launching a pilot program, to see its acceptance.

“I am the vice principal of a public school named Pedro Pablo Castillo (a hero of our independence.). This gives me the opportunity to have the knowledge of problematic and difficult situations like young people in open rebellion, families destroyed or in chaos, drugs abuse, sexual activity at young age, and an affinity to crime groups. On one hand it is sad that many of the young people with misconduct belong to Christian homes and no longer want to attend their churches. On the other hand there is another group of Christian students who did not want to comment on their faith, for fear of being mocked. I told my husband that it was necessary to do something to get young people to come to God and he agreed. That gave us the opportunity to kick off the SOI project, with English classes, soccer academies, and handcraft workshops.

It was something that came directly from God and we saw that in all the programs we started. In the different activities we do there is time for preaching and praying. At first it was difficult because they were not used to praying or hearing preaching in public, but little by little, God was working on them. The parents were trusting in what we did too! Some came to see and listen to the talks and were glad that their children were being educated with the Word of God.

“As time passed, more volunteers who have embraced the same vision have been added. We have been able to see how our Lord has touched lives that are transformed, both in the spiritual and personal areas, academic, and more. It is nice to see many testimonies of people who have believed in God and their lives have restored and changed.

“Missionary groups have come to serve alongside with us and have given their best. They have ended up bearing witness that their lives have been transformed by being here in El Salvador sharing with the children and young people of our different programs. God has even touched their hearts in different ways! Many have gone with new goals, others have reaffirmed their faith in the Lord Jesus and their call, and even some have been broken by giving their testimonies because the Lord has spoken directly to their hearts.

“Every event or situation that I have lived through in ministry has made me grow spiritually. God allows me to serve him in many different areas, which I love, because I enjoy seeing children, young people and adults surrender to Christ. Many young people are subjected to strong family, social, and crime pressures and it is beautiful to see them surrender to God and begin his transformation process.

“Serving the Lord in this ministry is really something that has filled my life, it has given me so much joy. The feeling of that sincere hug of the children who rejoice because we come to share with them or to play for a while. Believe me, I am the one who is most blessed with all the love that they give.

“Finally, I am serving as a coach, with a group of babies, ages 2 to 6. That's the most fascinating thing I've ever experienced. We had to learn with my partners how to coach toddlers. I remember once when we were setting up cones to do exercises and some of the little kids took them off to play with them like cars! I do enjoy what I do! I am a kindergarten teacher with years of experience, but this has been a something new for me. We learn and we amuse and receive as a reward much love from them. We pray glory and honor be to God.”

We are so thankful for the dedicated, compassionate hearts of both Mirna and Humberto. Please keep them and the rest of their team in your prayers as they continue to navigate serving and loving their neighbors in hard times.

If you would like more information on the work of Sports Outreach Institute in El Salvador, click here!