Posts in Education
Prossy's Story - Education Changes Lives

Every child we help with education through our LEAD program has a unique story. Each is compelling in its own way, but I think you’ll find Prossy’s story particularly so. It highlights the fact that we do not just provide children an education for education’s sake. We help with this resource in the context of the significant long-term relationships we develop with children and their families. It makes the education far more effective and transformative in the life of the child.

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Oscar - Sports, Education, and Discipleship Create Confidence.

“I never imagined that my life would change in this way. Before, I was living in a place that did not even have electricity and we lack many things but today, even though we do not have our own house, we continue praying for that and we live very happy as a family. I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had in the last years. When I become a grown man and have a degree, I would like to help others, like our SOI coaches, supporting and training other children if possible. God’s will!”

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Ivan - Chess Pioneer; Teacher; Coach; Student

Ivan grew up in very difficult circumstances in the slums of Katwe in Kampala, Uganda. He joined the SOM Uganda chess program at its start, almost 15 years ago. He has been involved in many ways with the programs of Sports Outreach for most of his life. The education we have been able to afford him has been a big part in changing his life and the life of his entire family.

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