Simple "question" makes BIG impact!


This past April of 2021 we were able to hold our first Basketball Club in partnership with Hill City Community Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. The club was 4 weeks of basketball and learning about the love of Jesus. Each night the campers, who were divided up into 4 teams based on age, rotated through stations that each taught them different skills used in basketball. After rotating through all the stations, the groups gathered all together to hear Coach Dan, who directed the club, read and share from Scripture.

From each club and camp we put on, there are always multiple highlights everyone rejoices over. When a camper finally gets the basketball in the hoop after trying over and over, or when a camper is seen encouraging one of their teammates, or when a bond begins to form between a coach and a camper. But sometimes the most impactful are the small moments that aren’t seen by all. Sometimes it is just a question asked at the very last minute. Coach Dan shared with us a profound moment he had at the end of club that has taught him a great lesson.

“It was the last day of Basketball Club and we had just wrapped up our lesson and discussion time for the evening. As the night was ending, I began to help line the kids up who were going home on our bus. We got the kids in order and were saying our goodbyes. As the kids were loading on the bus, there was this six-year-old girl named Aniya in that line who wanted to say goodbye to me one final time. As I was saying my goodbye, she looked up to me and said, "Dan, I have a Jesus question." I responded, "Okay! go ahead, what is it?" to which she responded, "Jesus died on the cross on for our sins because He loved us." I smiled because it wasn't really a question, so much as it was a statement, but responded by affirming her and reminding her that yes, "Jesus died on the cross for our sins because He loves us."


“This interaction I had with one of our campers was so simple, but still so profound. When it comes to presenting the gospel, I sometimes fall into a temptation to want to add to its message or manipulate it in such a way where I feel people will better understand or comprehend it. However, that small interaction I had with Aniya reminded me that no matter how young, or old an individual is, the gospel can be understood and grasped by everyone. Dr. Adrian Rodgers once stated, "The Bible is like a pool. Shallow enough that a little child can come and get a drink without fear of drowning, yet so deep scholars can swim in it and never touch the bottom." I believe the same is true regarding the message of the gospel. Shallow enough where children can understand it and accept it, yet deep enough to where adults can be transformed by it as well. Directing this basketball club reminded me that the gospel is going to speak for itself, I am just simply responsible for proclaiming it and sharing its message. The Holy Spirit is the one that ultimately brings growth and the message that "Jesus died on the cross for our sins because He loves us", is what restores hope and transforms lives. I am grateful to have been able to plant and water gospel seeds this past month and I am excited to see how the Lord is going to continue to bless and grow our local ministry.”

We are so thankful that all are welcomed to swim in the love and grace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We at Sports Outreach are blessed to invite others into that pool through the use of Sports. As we work to grow our local ministry in Virginia and other states, would you pray that more seeds of hope would be planted? So that more children like Aniya in and around the country can learn of a Savior who loves them deeply.

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