Sports Outreach work leads to a boy returning home!

Developing leaders who will impact their own communities is part of the DNA of all of our Sports Outreach programs. The following story from Sports Outreach Ministry in Southern Uganda shows how that goal of developing leaders led to a Congolese boy being reunited with his family.

“Augustine Kizito Mbappe came to Uganda from the Democratic Republic of Congo 8 years ago with a group of refugees from his village while running away from internal wars. He was 8 years then but unfortunately, he had to leave his mother behind and his father had already left the family when he was about 5 years. As he tried to fend for himself, he found himself in Kibuli Police barracks or C.I.D headquarters where we conduct our soccer trainings. During the day, he could collect scrap to sell to scrap dealers. At night he used to sleep in old unused vehicles parked in the Police yard.


“He was introduced to our project programs three years ago by one of our project boys, Tony, who had befriended him. Tony also felt bad for his friend for sleeping outside in the cold. This prompted him to ask his parents to allow Augustine to move to their house. The family consented to him becoming part of the family. May God bless them mightily! He later decided to search for his family from the refugees he had traveled with from Congo. They happened to have a phone contact of his uncle at Kasese; the border town with Congo.

“When he shared his desire to go back to Congo; after contacting the uncle; the Coaches at Kibuli requested the whole team to support Augustine in raising transportation fare for him to get to Congo. Fortunately, he also had been saving money after helping Tony’s dad in washing Police vehicles in C.I.D headquarters. We are thankful to God that he is now resettled safely to Congo. GLORY TO GOD for true friends, love, and generosity!”

Augustine was able to have a home, be involved in SOM programs, work to save money, and eventually be reunited with family through friendship with Tony. Through our programs, Sports Outreach seeks to develop leaders that will impact their own community. Tony is a great example of a child who has been involved in SOM programs, experienced transformation by the ministry, and is now seeking to help others in his own community.

We thank God for the efforts of SOM Uganda to teach Augustine the Gospel and help him in whatever manner they could!

To learn more about the many life-changing programs and work done in Southern Uganda, click here!