Solomon - From starving kid to budding leader.


Solomon is the first born of 7 children and the only son to his parents. They live Kampala’s Kibuli slum in a rented single room which they struggle to pay for. Both parents are believers. Solomon joined the ministry program of Sports Outreach Ministry Uganda (SOM) in 2015 after he was identified as a child with food insecurity in the community. He had not participated in sports, but it was obvious he needed basic nutrition. He was 11 years but in form 2 (second grade) of the elementary school. He should have been in form 4 or 5 at that age. His siblings were also not in school because the parents couldn’t afford to meet the school requirements, even in the government schools.

The SOM coaches continued engaging Solomon and his family. They introduced him to soccer but he wasn’t interested. He was very shy with low self-esteem due to late entry into school. We soon discovered that he really enjoyed the BIble sessions and was passionate to share with the rest of the children. He later accepted Jesus Christ as his savior!

Soon, we introduced him into chess. He is a strong player and is participating in many tournaments. He encouraged his sisters to come to SOM programs. Now, some of them are part of the girls’ soccer program.

During one of the chess tournaments organized by SOM Chess Academy, the Guest of Honor was the area Councilor to the Kampala City Council Authority. He was very impressed with the children’s performance and self-esteem. He offered 2 children full scholarships to his school; one girl and one boy. Solomon was chosen, and he been at this great school since 2019. He is the best student in his class in all subjects. He is now in his final year of primary school - form 7 - getting ready for high school in 2021!

Solomon continues to be involved in SOM’s programs. He is confident and takes on leadership roles which he couldn’t even conceive of a few years earlier.