250 teenagers participate in Holiday Youth Camp in Gulu

New Foundation Community Church is located on Sports Outreach’s Koro farm in Gulu. Each year, the church put son a week-long residential youth camp at the farm. The camp starts the day after Christmas and runs through New Year’s Day. It’s an important part of the life of the church, with many leaders and church members working together to evangelize and disciple young people.

The focus of the camp this year has been on making wise decisions in this time of turmoil with so many covid challenges and political unrest in Uganda,

This year, 250 teenagers participated!

In Uganda, just like almost everywhere, teenagers these days are subject to so many temptations. The covid lockdown has caused many to have way too much free time on their hands, and drug and sexual abuse have increased. Also, kids there risk being pulled (like all of us) by the siren calls of “influencers” on youtube, tiktok, facebook, and instagram.

New Foundation Community Church has an active youth ministry, with programs especially tailored to boys and girls. Please pray for God’s continuing work in the lives of these kids as the camp has just finished and they are returning to their home villages. And pray for the leaders of New Foundation Community Church.

We’ll share more in coming weeks about some of the kids who participated and had their lives changed.