Joy in the midst of challenging times

As the new year begins, Here’s a great encouragement from Kendall Alvey, our Director of Coaching:


“I think I have been encouraged by the way that everyone at Sports Outreach tries to find the bright spots in all of this. When we were not able to do things the normal way we prayed and asked the Lord how to continue to serve and love people in His Name. I saw this in the office each week and I saw it in the Coaches as they shared and strategized about how God was leading them in their various locations. It is my job to serve the Coaches and each Coach I get the opportunity to interact with has impacted my heart. By seeing the bright spots in hard situations they also are being the light that Jesus talked about. This is no easy task and that is why it has made such a big difference over these past few months. God has and continues to give us opportunity to speak life into others and He has been faithful to provide what we need to reach out everyday to do this. I think that at some point things will begin to get back to normal. But I believe that it matters very much what we do now to love one another and serve one another well. Being willing to come alongside one another, pray for one another and share what we have with others. Being a part of the team at Sports Outreach during this time has been a huge blessing for me and my family. I know this has been a hard few months, but we have learned a lot and seen God continue to be faithful in so many ways.”

Benjamin Moomaw