Brett — a Pastor in Virginia

“I was in San Salvador to visit my friend Humberto Alferez, who directs Sports Outreach in El Salvador, as well as to get a better understanding of his ministry there.  Humberto is an amazing man and servant of the Lord.  He is relationally rich and people love being around him.  They are drawn to his love for the Lord and his love for them.  That was on full display when we arrived at the Father Vito Guarato Home. The home is an orphanage where more than 120 children, teens, and adults with severe mental and physical handicaps are loved and cared for by a team of doctors, nurses, and 100 or so aides.

Our team joined in worship with these residents.  Amidst the cacophony of sounds from these worshipers, I was struck that even though I couldn’t understand what they were saying, I knew that God did.  He has “ears to hear” the worship of his children, whether it is intelligible to me or not. I was deeply touched by what I witnessed.

Later, I tried to help feed a resident but failed miserably. I felt helpless and powerless. I believe the helplessness I experienced is the kind of humility we are to come to Jesus with.  To readily and eagerly admit our utter dependence upon His grace and mercy to do anything. Anything!  To see that our value to God isn’t our physical, emotional or mental wholeness.  It’s not even our spiritual wholeness that makes us valuable to God.  It’s just the opposite.  It’s our brokenness that attracts God to us.  It’s our weaknesses that prompts God’s pursuit of us.  Praise God for his faithful and relentless pursuit to make us His children.  May I possess such childlike faith that would lead to maturity in Christ.”

— Brett, a Pastor in Virginia

El Salvador, TripsKnapsack