

Flavia was a young teenager who had been raped and was pregnant. She arrived at Christine’s House on Sports Outreach Ministry Uganda’s (SOM’s) Koro Farm in March of 2019. The staff there immediately started trauma counseling. Unfortunately, Flavia had a miscarriage. Despite the violent circumstances of her becoming pregnant, she had quickly developed a bond with her baby in the womb. She was despondent and angry at God. In the months following, she continued in counseling. As she lived and shared with other young women in similar circumstances, she experienced emotional and spiritual healing. She also had an opportunity to go through the Sports Outreach Polytechnic School, SOM’s vocational training program at Koro, learning to sew. She now has confidence and a skill, and she has recently returned to her family / community. Her life was formerly defined by the trauma of her rape; now her life is defined by her love of Christ and hope for the future.