Carolyne - Encouragement and Empowerment through Girls of Destiny.


My name is Carolyne Ambani. I am 31 years old. I come from a family of 8 and I am the sixth born to my parents. My father died and my mum raised us singly to some point before I decided to get married and find my path along the way. I am saved and I attend Glorious church in Reuben slum.

My husband died later after we had four children, 3 boys and a girl. I decided to now live alone because who would marry me with four children in this economy?

I work at a school as a cleaner and I run other errands also. This is seasonal, so I have to find other jobs to do during school holidays so that I can be able to feed and get other needs at home.

I decided to join the Girls of Destiny Program at Sports Outreach Kenya to be able to acquire skill in tailoring. I do this because my education did not help me and I did not go far either. I look forward in future to have a business, through God’s Grace, that I will get capital to buy a machine and have a place of my own, to get income to bring up my children.

Through my teacher Rose and the leader of the Girls program, they have been good because I don’t pay any fee yet they have time to teach me and Guide me also in God’s word. They also encourage me to keep coming because now I have to divide my time and benefit from both. I thank God for them and Sports Outreach because now I have a place to spend my idle time while I get skills and have peace.