Samuel - Learning English = Opportunity

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Samuel learned English in SOI El Salvador’s EFL program.  He also learned of Christ. In 2013 and in 6th grade, Samuel connected with SOI El Salvador staff member Humberto, who was teaching at his school. The relationship continued.  In 2018, while taking the EFL program, Samuel accepted Christ.  He’s growing in faith and growing in a new job as well!

 "I am very grateful to SOI El Salvador for all the support given to me, for the opportunity to move forward by teaching me a second language.  I didn't used to be the person that I am now, and it was difficult for me to get on track. I wanted to learn English but didn’t have the money to pay for an English course.  I was given the opportunity to start in "SOI - EFL classes" and thanks to all the advice and teachings about God, my life has changed. Thanks to the EFL program I got a good job at a call center and can support my family. A dream that came true! I don't have enough words to give thanks for everything SOI is doing and not just for me, but for the entire population of Nuevo Cuscatlán. This achievement comes with thanks to God, to Humberto, my English teacher and all my family who has always been by my side. I conclude with an immense thank you and a big hug. I hope that all this that is being done in El Salvador continues and grows even more since it is of immense help for people like me, or rather, for anyone!”