God connects people in amazing ways to further His Kingdom

Anna, who works for Coke Consolidated in Charlotte, met Sports Outreach Coach Jessie at an Elevation Church Love Week event this fall. Anna is a member of Coke’s Charlotte Stewardship Committee, and they were looking for an organization with whom to partner to help with gifts for underprivileged children for Christmas.


Jessie and Coach Jala went around to families they serve in their West Charlotte neighborhood, and asked them what their needs/wants would be for their children. Coke provided the resources to give Christmas gifts to 22 kids in 7 different families with anything from clothes to bikes.

It was truly a blessing to see how God worked through it all. A chance meeting at a church event led to business cards being exchanged, which led to a phone call, which then led to Coke’s team blessing 22 kids that Sports Outreach has been ministering to for months!

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God knew exactly what he was doing with the initial encounter 4 months ago. Anna and Jessie have been so encouraged by this project, and both hope this partnership will afford many future opportunities to reach out in the communities where we serve.