Niangthianching - saved and sharing her faith.

Niangthianching was born and brought up in a small village called Bukpi, around 180km from the town of Churachandpur, where Sports Outreach coach Muan lives. Both of Niangthianching’s parents are farmers. She is an introverted young lady, and a slow learner. She came to Churachandpur in 2018 to attend a school there.


 Niangthianching joined Muan’s soccer clinic soon after her arrival. She was afraid to approach other kids initially, but after joining the soccer program, she began to get to know many of the other players. The “on the field” aspects of sports ministry began to transform her relationships.

 Early in 2020, it was time for her to take her Class X Standards Education Exam. Sadly, she failed, an she became quite depressed. She was too embarrassed to even spend time with friends. At the same time the Covid pandemic moved swiftly across the country and affected every nook and corner. Muan was unable to continue the soccer clinic. It was a very dark time for Niangthianching.

 In late August,  Muan helped organize and conduct a Salvation seminar in partnership with a local church.  He invited Niangthianching. At first she refused.  She was reluctant to attend due to feelings of humiliation from her  academic failure. But Muan had developed a strong relationship with her.  He was insistent with her, and she agreed to attend.

 On August 29, One of the counselors for the seminar shared Isaiah 53 with Niangthianching. She was touched by the words " He was bruised for our iniquities and by His stripes we are healed.” When she understood salvation base on this verse she was so happy and said, “Now I understood salvation it is by faith, so simply and easy when we truly understand. Before, I searched for it through feelings, but now I understand salvation is based on our faith after knowing what He did for us at the Cross.”

 Muan has seen many changes in Niangthianching since late August. She has overcome her depression and her failure and is again mingling with friends. She says that her taste for the words of God and fellowship is growing stronger than ever before. She is even beginning to share her faith with others.

 Praise God! Amen! Our work is not in vain!