Happy's Story - Feeding Programs

Happy is a smart, talented young 13-year-old girl who participates in the chess and feeding programs in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a smart, grounded, well balanced young girl who comes from a humble background. She has only one parent in her home who only has casual jobs that earn an inconsistent income. This leaves not much money to support the family. The feeding programs offered in the slums have been enormously impactful to Happy! Giving her the opportunity to not only learn but have basic needs taken care of. This has not only changed her life, but the livelihood of her family.

Through the chess program, Happy’s life has been impacted with numerous opportunities to be exposed to life outside the slums from her participation in regional, national, and international chess events, to her involvement in day-to-day activities. As you may recall, she was one of the players who represented the Sports Outreach Chess Team in the Mombasa National Championships. Happy, along with the rest of the children in the slums are desperate to be in school and to continue learning. To be able to do this without the disruption of worrying about their next meal is instrumental for their growth.

Included below are pictures of the children gathering for meals during school and chess programs in the Kibera slum. Happy is just one child of MANY that receive these benefits. With the effects of Covid-19 still lingering, prices of food and supplies still rising, and participation numbers higher, providing the food for these kids is proving to be harder than previous years. If you would like to help make that load a little lighter, you can CLICK HERE to support these feeding efforts!
Thank you!

Education, Feeding, KenyaGuest User