Prossy - defiled in fourth grade, a mother, and hope for the future.


Prossy was born to a teenage mother and an absentee father. Her mother left her with her grandmother and got married to another man. Later on, Prossy was brought to her step grandparents' home to study at a nearby school. Not long after on new year's day 2020, Prossy was defiled by a 20yr old man who was later discovered to be a relative of hers.

When relatives were made aware of Prossy's defilement, she was rejected, not cared for and shunned. Prossy was later identified by one of the members of the Child Protection unit in the area and through them, we got to know about her and she was brought to Christine's House. She was 4 months pregnant at the time we received her. We stayed with her for 2 weeks before all the girls went back after the corona virus outbreak.

We took food items and tree seedlings to her during home visits and later picked her up twice for check ups with the doctor. We brought her back to the House when she was nearing her due date because the doctors had indicated that she would need close monitoring due to the possibility of her failing to have a natural birth.

After she started labour, we took her to a hospital and stayed with her overnight until her mother showed up. Her mother still wasn't welcome to the fact that her daughter had become pregnant at a young age. We had some talking sessions with Prossy's mother to soften her heart and help her accept her daughter. Prossy had a baby girl through csection and we brought her, her mother and the baby back to the house with us where the mother stayed a night, while Prossy and the baby stayed for two weeks. During this time, we continued to counsel both Prossy. As a result of this, Prossy gave her life to Christ.

After the two weeks, we took Prossy back to the doctor to ensure that her scar was healing well. After she was discharged, we settled her back in her home village where she was well received by her family. We left her with abundant supplies for the baby, food and personal needs for her and we plan to do another follow up visit this month. Her family was and still is very thankful and we continue to communicate and work with them to ensure the proper health and wellbeing of Prossy and the baby.
Prossy's dream is to complete her education and to acquire technical skills like those taught at the Vocational School.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude all our donors and sponsors especially Freedom 424 through SOI and SOM without whom, all the work we do would be impossible. May the Lord bless you all and your families. We love you all.
