Ivan - Chess Pioneer; Teacher; Coach; Student

Ivan grew up in very difficult circumstances in the slums of Katwe in Kampala, Uganda.  He joined the SOM Uganda chess program at its start, almost 15 years ago. He has been involved in many ways with the programs of Sports Outreach for most of his life.  The education we have been able to afford him has been a big part in changing his life and the life of his entire family.

Ivan (left),  and Coach Robert (center)

Ivan (left), and Coach Robert (center)

He has completed Secondary School and also a two-year degree in Math and Science.  For a couple of years, he taught Math and Physics at a local high school, and now he has returned to university to earn a four-year degree in engineering.

Ivan is very busy with his studies, but he returns to the SOM Chess Academy in Katwe on holidays to coach and disciple younger kids.  He’s a wonderful example of the results of Sports Outreach’s strategy to invest long-term in young people, enabling enable them to grow up into strong Christian leaders in ministry, business, family…. In life!