Irene - HIV, school dropout, but she now has a dream.

Irene is 18 years old, and she is the youngest of six children.  She lives in Lajwatek village in Gulu, Uganda.  This is her story:


“I dropped out of school at 16 because the other kids found out I was living with HIV virus in my body. They laughed at me and called me names. I was hurt and didn’t know what to do because all my friends left me and was alone and isolated because of my condition. So, I chose not go school anymore and stayed with my aunt. l had left my mother’s home and my other siblings because I could not understand why mother had passed on the virus to me at birth. While at my aunts’ home, she tried to talk to me and encouraged me to go back to school but I was afraid and scared of being treated differently.

 “One day while at my Aunt’s, Jennifer and Hilda from Sports Outreach came by, as they were doing home visits praying and encouraging the people who lived in the village. My aunt asked them if they could consider helping me in any way. These kind ladies told us they would get back to us after sharing with their office. Later, they returned an told me I had an opportunity to attend the SOM Polytechnic vocational school!

 “There, I met Lydia and the other SOM staff.  They gave me training not only in tailoring, but also baking, computer skills, farming and sports ministry. While here, I met new friends who had stories like mine. I felt loved and accepted once again. I felt whole and hopeful.

 “During the daily class devotions and discipleship, I gave my life to Jesus and I also benefited from counseling. I was so encouraged by the business entrepreneurship class and after one year of attending the vocational school I had learnt a lot and was ready to stand on my own.

 “I am today baking bread at a very small scale and I have already saved $30. I am saving this money so I can buy a sewing machine, and this is my dream.  I thank God much for Sports Outreach and all the staff at the vocational school who helped transform my life.

 “I am also grateful that after the school, I forgave my mother and now we are all living together in peace.”