Kendall - Coaching and Sports Ministry Come Full Circle.
Lynchburg’s Coach Kendall shares a wonderful story about the intergenerational and relational value of sports ministry:
Kendall coaching her former Coach’s daughter!
“When I first started in ministry years ago I reached out to a mentor of mine for church partnership. My mentor had been a teacher and a coach when I was a teenager. She walked me through being a young Christian during my highschool years and during my early years of realizing the impact of sports ministry. She played a vital role in my life. She worked to get us a partnership for a camp with her local church and then she sent her 5 year old daughter and older son to camp. During the camp week her daughter came to know Christ by going home one evening and asking her parents if she could pray to receive Him as her Savior. This past week I ran into her Dad at another Sports Outreach event and he was telling his friend about the story of his daughter and how much he appreciated Sports Outreach. I was able to talk about how his wife had impacted my life.
“Needless to say it was a pretty powerful picture of one person pouring into the life of another and how things come full circle. I bet my Coach didn’t realize when she was coaching a bunch of rag tag teenagers in a public highschool that one of them would be so impacted by her life and testimony and how that would in turn impact her own children some day. There were probably more days than not when she wondered if she was making an impact at all. But I was watching and listening and thanking God that there was someone I could look up to and trust as a young Believer.
“I know there are days when we all feel like that. But her love and persistence for me as a player has led to a life -long friendship. I hope this is a helpful story for those that might be serving out there and wondering if it is making a difference. Planting seeds is a powerful ministry and God is faithful to grow those seeds. We simply cannot out give God. He always comes out on top. This is why we should be faithful to spend our time, talent and treasure for His glory. He never disappoints. He is the author of beautiful stories like this one.”
If you’d like to learn more about how you can be involved in sports ministry, click here.