Neighborhood Sports Camp in Charlotte

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In Charlotte, as in so many places, we are not able to do larger-scale sports programs that we normally do this time of year. But Jala and Jessie, two coaches there, got creative. They did a mini-sports camp for several kids in their neighborhood. They were very careful to maintain social distancing, and each kid got VERY individualized coaching and love.

One off-the field thing they shared with the kids was the idea of a cake having many ingredients. Each ingredient taken by itself isn’t so good and many taste just yucky. But put together, they mix into a wonderful, yummy cake. This is in some ways like our life experiences as children of God. Many individual experiences are distasteful and we don’t like them at the time, but God mixes them together into our lives, resulting in wonderful, yummy testament to His goodness and love for us. Sounds a bit like Romans 8:28 - “All things work together for GOOD for those who love God; who are called according to His purpose.”