Sports Camps - Love, Attention, and Wise Health Practices.

In all of our sports ministry events, we make a point to show the love of Jesus to every child by giving them as much individual attention as possible. During these challenging pandemic times, we have also put much energy into doing things wisely and above reproach - following government guidance, keeping up with what doctors are saying and using best practices to minimize the chances of any virus issues. One of our coaches in Lynchburg shared the following story:

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“Last week as I was sending a group out from the Bible station there was a mom leaning against the wall.  She hung back to talk to me while I waited for my next group.  She wanted to say thank you for the way that our coaches had taken such great care during this time to follow the health guidelines.  But she also wanted to let us know that this was the first time her kids had participated in camp and it had been an incredible experience for them.  She said that this was mostly because of the Coaches and the love and attention they had given her kids during the camp week.  I thought it was cool that her kids had their first experience with camp during this tricky time and it turned out to be a good one.”